Governor Moore:
More than two weeks ago the Joint Republican Caucus sent you a letter asking for the removal of Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) Secretary Vincent Schiraldi. In the intervening time, we have become aware of even more failures within DJS and question the ability of the Department to adequately perform its mission. To date, we have received no response to our concerns, and there has been no action or leadership by your administration to make immediate and necessary course corrections. Unfortunately, evidence of these failures abound, but the following we find most concerning.
In February 2023, every Republican Senator voted against Mr. Schiraldi’s nomination both in the Senate Executive Nominations Committee and on the Senate Floor. At that time, we knew he and his philosophies were not the right fit for Maryland, and unfortunately, we have been proven right. These are just three of many examples of how Secretary Schiraldi’s disastrous philosophies and policies are degrading public safety across Maryland. Your administration has both a duty to the community and the youth DJS is charged with rehabilitating, and current leadership is failing both. As a former military officer, you know that it is imperative for commanders to have the trust and respect of their team. Marylanders have lost trust and confidence in Secretary Schiraldi’s ability to lead the Department of Juvenile Services, and therefore as Chief Executive Officer of the State of Maryland, we are asking once again that you relieve him of command.
For a printable version of the letter, click here.